Small Business Start-Ups Booming in Liverpool

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Over recent years, the number of small start-up businesses springing up across the country has rocketed. Various government schemes and incentives coupled with increased resources and information have all helped to boost start-up businesses numbers across the UK.

According to recent reports Liverpool in particular seems to be flourishing when it comes to small business creations, with many benefits claimants said to have taken the plunge and launched their own businesses with the help of a government initiative.

Across Merseyside over two thousand former benefits claimants have taken advantage of the government initiative, which is the New Enterprise Allowance. Of these, 860 were in Liverpool, which equated to the highest figure for any local authority in the country. This has put Liverpool at the top of the leagues when it comes to small business start-ups.

The initiative was launched by the government back in 2011 in a bid to aid the creation of new businesses and get people back into work and off welfare. Over 40,000 new businesses have been created across the UK as a result of the initiative since its launch. The scheme is available to those who are on jobseeker’s allowance, sickness benefit, and to single parents. It offers both funding and practical support to help people to launch their own ventures.

A number of agencies have been involved to help those who want to take advantage of the initiative to get their ventures off the ground. Each of these has helped thousands of people to come off welfare and become self employed with their own small businesses. Business mentors are available for those who are looking to get support and assistance in order to get things off the ground, and this provides a valuable addition to the funding side of the initiative.

Those who have signed up for the scheme in Liverpool and have managed to get their businesses off the ground have spoken highly of the scheme, stating that the support provided to them has proven invaluable. One said: ““The support I received has been fantastic. It has been incredibly helpful and intuitive for the type of business I have set up.”

The scheme is one of a number of initiatives that have been set up over recent years in order to tackle unemployment, decrease the number of welfare claimants, get people back into work, and help small businesses to flourish in order to help with the creation of more jobs across the UK.

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Business4Beginners has been advising new businesses owners since 2013. The founder, Paul Bryant, has created, grown and sold several successful businesses and remains the editor and fact-checker of all content published on the site.
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